GPC Injury Law

Resolve Your Car Accident Lawsuit With Personal Injury Lawyer In St. Catharines

You may want to bring a personal injury lawsuit against the defendant after receiving injuries in an automobile accident. The personal injury lawsuits do not necessitate the presence of a lawyer. The assistance of a Personal injury lawyer St. Catharines may help you resolve the problems mentioned below.

The Limited Claim Period

The Statute of Limitation set by your state will require you to file the claim of personal injury lawsuit, involving a car accident, within a certain period of time. In St. Catharines, Ontario this limit extends up to two years of time. In the absence of a legal counselor you may miss that deadline. The court will nullify your claim and you will end up receiving no compensations for your damages. An experienced personal injury lawyer in St. Catharines will save you from missing this deadline.

Choosing the Right Court for Your Case

The amount of compensation also depends upon the type of the court you are choosing for the trial of your case. Like the Small-Claims Court, The trials held in small-claims court will reward you with smaller compensatory amounts. The upside of having a trial in these courts is the duration. It may take years for a personal injury case to get resolved in a civil court. In comparison to that lengthy time period, it may take you a few months to collect compensations from the small-claims court. The judge serves the verdict in small-claims court instead of a jury panel. The limit placed on the compensatory amount, won through the trial of small-claims court, may make it look moderate. The quick verdict reduces the size of the contingent-fee you are required to pay to your personal injury lawyer in St. Catharines after the trial.

The Civil Court

The cases tried in regular civil courts reward the claimant with larger compensatory amounts. If the amount of the compensation is the upside of trying your case in a regular civil court, the downside is the time. It may take your case a few months to a few years to get resolved. The proceedings of a civil court are more complicated than that of small-claims court. There are many legal rules in place. You will be required to go through depositions, discoveries, interrogations, and many other proceedings. It is hard for a layman to understand the rules of these proceedings entirely.  The astute guidance of an expert personal injury lawyer in St. Catharines is mandatory for the trials in civil court. The cost of litigation also increases during the longer duration of civil-court trials. Your lawyer may pay these expenditures during the litigation process. The sum mated amount will be reduced from the rewarded compensatory amount of yours. You may try either of these courts for the trial of your personal injury lawsuit involving an automobile accident. Your Personal injury lawyer St. Catharines will be the best judge of that decision.